Friday, October 3, 2008

Tanning Bad If Eyes Closed

's time to die ...

After just over two years since, almost three months after the event which has in fact decreed the end, this blog closes.
already knew that one was born a lazy morning bigiata happy, not only would have left time to time, but he lived with his time, as long as the boundary conditions would remain (the) such. The age east
academic term. No more exams for courses sclera unrealistic or notes irreparable. No more books, lunch breaks to rock gardens with bread and apple or tails inteminabili in student office.
is not an awareness or a simple fact: the image on the cover speaks for itself and tells me that something is changing. I need more order to be more efficient and, unfortunately, the price is an inevitable loss of charm in everyday life and uncertainty due to dependency initial conditions. What remains, is well understood, but on a larger scale.
At times, more or less official, when asked "what's left of this your university experience?" with a bit of hesitation because it was the other question I had prepared myself, I replied with firm tone and a clear mind after the third mojito, "energy conservation, in the strongest terms the principle of conservation of ' energy ". Yeah, what a beautiful concept ... Simple, basic and deadly, but at the same time with the power of redemption, because sooner or later the wheel turns, everything goes back into the game because nothing is created nor even destroyed.
What I have left this space? The satisfaction of having put in place accessible snapshots of my life that would otherwise be lost in time like tears in rain. Here, however, remain
as I leave now, when I'm longing to find intact the schoolboy dreaming or when you make me two giggling behind me trying to reconstruct the various Cryptic or savor that state of delirium disorder, convenient loophole an intractable reality.

The question pending was, "laurel grove And now that you're gonna do that job?"
And the answer was: "Hey, I'm young, I have the health. Let me I do a job? "(t = 2min.10s)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sailboat Rudder Parts

Big Wednesday

Game over.

Sometimes living the present as if the events I pass her without realizing it, without asking for permission because the weather is too small to internalize when conventional travel speed.
is simply a matter of necessity. and adrenaline, that if you do, do the 5 am, sleep 4 hours and resume all without seeing the end, otherwise it will discourage you. It 's like a bike: who will stop falling, like N.. Or the surf: when the wave comes you have to be ready to ride.
The last two weeks I lived in total apnea, 200%, single purpose: July 23, a thesis in the morning.

Hear Lou Bega pushed from the speakers of cocoa while I, on the first floor, are in contemplation up listening to Beethoven's 9 ball from the coffers of the PC, can perhaps give some idea of \u200b\u200bthe qualitative state of affairs. In any case, it is one of those experiences that strength comes in the list of things that I had never happened.

And Wednesday morning, I'll be at the apex, on the crest of the wave, where I intend to stay for a while ', which lasts at least until the storm.

"... everything has been handed down
through a heart of madness
the culmination of a barren passion. Burn

life open your eyes look up

death is far

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Where Do Brownie Gs Cookie Patches Go

Teso Degree

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Indian Actress Boobs Falls

Post Mortem

... or the things I can say I did the last few months before graduation, which otherwise I could never do:

-I went to see a game at Municipal
del Toro - I'm learning to play the piano ,
strictly self-taught - I went to a Latin American dance lessons
-I went out with a girl a lot (at least 4 years) older than me
-won betting against my team-
I said "never to meet again" (when I delivered the application degree in secretarial students)
- are entered into goliardia (he went out without underwear)
-I went to school in a bike-ride bike
Sunday with a lot of "zavorrina"
me are dressed as a woman (a carnival)
-I wore a gown
-ho-ho wrote two abstracts
stamped a badge to count the hours of input and output
-I went to the cinema to see films that I would never have seen, even if downloaded from emule-
I went to the cinema to see films that I wanted to see in the cinema and not downloaded from emule-
I have not learned to tie the knot at
-I never woke up an hour agreed with the alarm
- I never do not waste time or be myself

Now, less than three weeks, I have not idea how I will be in three weeks.
graduate? I'll manage to finish the thesis with the imminence of the traffic which this year hosts the Sex Pistols?
And then, if it was, after waiting for me? A Charon me any ferry in the sad world of socio-economic responsibilities and working?

I, however, I have already said snatching the words Tom Waits on the first page of the thesis (the only safe so far), which, for the moment, I have no desire to grow.
But even a little '.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Return Policy Radio Shack

When you pass him, cats blacks touching balls

E 'shown by the facts that he brings bad luck. E 'is undeniable, even a child would notice:

May 2001: The House of Freedom wins the election.
July 2001: G8 Genoa, murder, rape and torture of the state police
September 2001: Twin Towers
June 2002: The national team was eliminated in the second round by South Korea
July-August 2003: exceptional heat wave :
thousands of deaths in France in June 2004: The national team does not pass the group stage to the European
December 2004: Tsunami in South-East Asia
April 2005: Pope John Paul II dies

9 to 10 April 2006: The House of Freedoms lose an election
April 11: after 43 years on the run is arrested Bernardo Provenzano
May 2006: Investigations into the scandal "Calciopoli" lead Juventus for the first time in series B
June 2006: Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia in prison in Potenza
July 2006: Italy World Champion, Taurus promoted to Serie A

April 2008: The people of the freedom
wins the general election in May 2008: Cyclone in Burma, earthquake in China
-1 th Council of Ministers in Naples: police attack the protesters, a pregnant woman loses the baby (unofficial)
-Some members of the Government to introduce discuss the crime of illegal immigration: the CPT turin a migrant dies for reasons not entirely clear
-Flood in Piedmont
-There is talk of a return to nuclear power plant accident in Slovenia
-Fabio Cannavaro, Golden Ball and captain, was injured during the first training session in Austria. Will miss the forthcoming European Championships.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Facebookposting Numbers

Learning in Progress

Yesterday I learned that Baden is not only one of the names of Sir Robert Stephenson Smyth Lord Baden-Powell , but also a city, about 25 km from Zurich, where he moved one of my "colleague". That is not Baden-Baden, the German town twinned with Moncalieri, but only Baden.
Actually, the two cities, both very nice, even look alike: they are practically equal. Only, Baden-Baden is twice the size.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Premade Wedding Scrapbook


He had said that this government would be hostage to the league, but it is not true. It 's just an optical illusion.

As a first step, the three highest offices of state were unmarked places assigned by a common communist press who would like to "all the President's Men "tied to a past and an unclear sense of the institutions falling short.
Thus the former future prime minister, joking, as is customary, he pretended to strafe a journalist guilty of an awkward question to 'friend Vladimir. not the trans, but the head of a state in which journalists are killed in earnest if awkward broadcast news. Then the exclamation point with glasses held that a child's life worth less than a burning flag and It is thanks to a signatory of the "Manifesto of Race" if Italy did not break out in a civil war.
Luckily there schif *, thanks to the silence about his former colleagues recalled Mafia on TV by an enemy of his country, is managed to bring the country a climate of real civil dialogue.

So, as promised is from Naples. Indeed, from Napoli Lift-Man again, after taking a blow to the municipal election of 2006. Now via the ICI, the municipal councils so they learn to save money, jail those who block the landfill, legal loopholes to extend their processes, according salvaretequattro, nothing cordata Alitalia, but go with nuclear power plants. New, of course, existing ones are old models, went out of fashion. And then a little gem that could only come up with a luminary of the policy: penalty for illegal immigration.

I imagine any one Mohamed, who came to Italy to seek his fortune, but is caught by a patrol that requests the documents. No documents? Go to rot in jail.
Thus, prisons already bursting of poor bastards, there will be a flood of new tenants who have to pay room and board. After serving his sentence
what happens to Mohamed? The institutions have "re-educated" not to commit more crimes against society? I doubt it, his sentence Mohamed leaves, a little 'more delinquent than when we entered, and the first patrol that requests the documents return it to cool because it still remains an illegal immigrant. And so on ad infinitum, without interruption. Next

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Symptoms Of A Fatty Spleen

Here are the new faces of policy

First floor of our minister for equal opportunities

3 ° by the State: Where are we now?

2 nd position in the State: How disgusting *

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Why Is People Posting Numbers On Facebook

Neural Networks, Marcov, indecision & Chaos

I gave the last exam, neural networks, 10 days ago. So it appeared the day after my living space: chaotic, as usual, life.
The fact that even in dynamical systems that describe the simplest neural network is provided for the assumption of an asymptotically chaotic behavior of many phenomena can be self-explanatory: it is inherent in the rationality, then there is history.
Just as I can feel like a physical system in a ring of a Markov chain: the present situation is not influenced by past history, but there is only a probability of transition to one of the possible next states.
Not so with Markov chains, which make the decisions: a decision simply because it can not be taken if two or more alternatives there is a cheaper, then the decision does not even arise. If the alternatives are equivalent to or are unable to establish an order of priority, the decision can not be taken and you risk ending up in a periodic motion from which it does not exit.
The hope is that your attractor leads to something good.

Happy May Day to all workers and aspiring

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Does Office Depot And Layaway

N ° 1 - Avella Claudio (Piazza Dante)

2609 Naples, Piazza Dante, will be changed as Naples and the Neapolitans compared to today?
Read to know:


No. 2 - Andrea Bolognini (Piazza San Domenico Maggiore)

Prince St. Severus was a famous alchemist 700. Around this character so many legends have developed partly because of its innovative discoveries. Today in the chapel of the prince (located in the historic center of Naples) you can admire some of his works, including the statue of Christ veiled anatomical and machines.

Table inked

Registro Do Elektrik Piano

No. 3 - Anna Cannavale (S. Gregorio Armeno - downtown alleys)

Two things are typical of Naples: the Nativity and the pazzariello (character in the postwar period that the leader of a band was going to open stores, bringing good fortune to 'activities).
pazzariello Study:

Studio Tables:

Dark Brown Mucus Before Period And After

N ° 4 - Michele De Angelis (square Plebiscite)

futuristic story set in a Naples, not so much different from today:

Table inked:

What Are The Number In People Status

N ° 5 - Daniela Di Matteo (Piazza Garibaldi)

A robbery with mouse ... a harsh reality:

Platypus Flosser What Store Can I Buy From

N ° 6 - Bernardo Mercury (Male Angioino)

story set in the castle symbol City of the Sun

Play High Def Through Vga

N ° 7 - Valentina Romano (Piazza Carlo III)

Episode author really happened!

In Texas Do You Have Take Showers In High School

No. 8 - Marco Tenace (Castel dell ' Ovo - Borgo Marinaro - Castel Sant 'Elmo)

The first table is inspired by an 'old legend tied to the Castel dell' Ovo, one of the oldest castles of Naples.

Color Table:

Another table, inspired by the famous show of cartoons that Comicon takes many years to Castel Sant 'Elmo. Here is a sketch of the table:

And the final:

Finally, a 'typical illustration of tammurriata Naples singing accompanied with big drums: