Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Why Is People Posting Numbers On Facebook

Neural Networks, Marcov, indecision & Chaos

I gave the last exam, neural networks, 10 days ago. So it appeared the day after my living space: chaotic, as usual, life.
The fact that even in dynamical systems that describe the simplest neural network is provided for the assumption of an asymptotically chaotic behavior of many phenomena can be self-explanatory: it is inherent in the rationality, then there is history.
Just as I can feel like a physical system in a ring of a Markov chain: the present situation is not influenced by past history, but there is only a probability of transition to one of the possible next states.
Not so with Markov chains, which make the decisions: a decision simply because it can not be taken if two or more alternatives there is a cheaper, then the decision does not even arise. If the alternatives are equivalent to or are unable to establish an order of priority, the decision can not be taken and you risk ending up in a periodic motion from which it does not exit.
The hope is that your attractor leads to something good.

Happy May Day to all workers and aspiring

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Does Office Depot And Layaway

N ° 1 - Avella Claudio (Piazza Dante)

2609 Naples, Piazza Dante, will be changed as Naples and the Neapolitans compared to today?
Read to know:


No. 2 - Andrea Bolognini (Piazza San Domenico Maggiore)

Prince St. Severus was a famous alchemist 700. Around this character so many legends have developed partly because of its innovative discoveries. Today in the chapel of the prince (located in the historic center of Naples) you can admire some of his works, including the statue of Christ veiled anatomical and machines.

Table inked

Registro Do Elektrik Piano

No. 3 - Anna Cannavale (S. Gregorio Armeno - downtown alleys)

Two things are typical of Naples: the Nativity and the pazzariello (character in the postwar period that the leader of a band was going to open stores, bringing good fortune to 'activities).
pazzariello Study:

Studio Tables:

Dark Brown Mucus Before Period And After

N ° 4 - Michele De Angelis (square Plebiscite)

futuristic story set in a Naples, not so much different from today:

Table inked:

What Are The Number In People Status

N ° 5 - Daniela Di Matteo (Piazza Garibaldi)

A robbery with mouse ... a harsh reality:

Platypus Flosser What Store Can I Buy From

N ° 6 - Bernardo Mercury (Male Angioino)

story set in the castle symbol City of the Sun

Play High Def Through Vga

N ° 7 - Valentina Romano (Piazza Carlo III)

Episode author really happened!

In Texas Do You Have Take Showers In High School

No. 8 - Marco Tenace (Castel dell ' Ovo - Borgo Marinaro - Castel Sant 'Elmo)

The first table is inspired by an 'old legend tied to the Castel dell' Ovo, one of the oldest castles of Naples.

Color Table:

Another table, inspired by the famous show of cartoons that Comicon takes many years to Castel Sant 'Elmo. Here is a sketch of the table:

And the final:

Finally, a 'typical illustration of tammurriata Naples singing accompanied with big drums:

Whats Does It Mean When A Rubber Band Breaks

N ° 9 - Giovanni Di Tommaso (Vesuvius)

San Gennaro is the patron saint of Naples. The life of the saint is very present in the daily lives of the people.

Table inked

Kite Director's Cut Watch

N ° 10 - Simone Marsicano (Health)

crime stories !!

Can You Put Neosporin On Ringworm

N ° 11 - Mathieu Sapin (Vomero - Via Crispi)

This story is set in a pub in Vomero.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Purple Eyelids Toddler

Down Italy

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ways To Masterbate Vid For Male

Sfiga Constituency : some drops

This should be the first Italian woman candidate to lead the country. Too bad that in life like (and understand it, and how if I understand it) bring a smile to the country with satire rather than make him cry with politics as do his characters.

Then we Uolter and his "MaAnchismo" candidate for a worker of Thyssen, but also Calearo ...

Then there is the Senatùr, who are 15 years that one day Rome-Thief-LaLega cries-not-forgive each other and urges the people to embrace Po rifles.
Meanwhile, there is 15-year-old promises of fiscal federalism, fewer immigrants bla-bla-bla ....


Casini and Bertinotti not even quote them, but even in this dismal election campaign, it is he who wins the first prize. Here are a few steps, not too significant:

are one meter high and 71. But it seems that a man 71 feet tall and can be called a dwarf? "( Silvio Berlusconi, La Stampa, March 27, 2005 ).

Yes, yes it's true! Mertro 1 and 71! As Malcolm X was actually a Eskimo tan, pamela anderson and Rocco Siffredi a travstito impotent.

"It must be that the young couple, this is the advice from the father do, should look for Berlusconi's son or someone else that was not econimici problems ..."

From its first 39 million euros a year , CIE 380 000 € a day, nearly 16 000 euro per hour that is what earns a young couple in a precarious a year he gives lessons Living and solutions to all problems: "You are poor? Fuck you, is your problem is solved each his own. When I am in government, for example, I will solve the problem of conflict of interest, since no one has ever thought "What

infinite sadness .......

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Posting Numbers Facebook


From the stage: ".... ...... 1 billion abortions women have the right ... the list Ferrara calls .... respect for life ...... if you want .. . you have the wrong country ... "

From the square:" THE COUNTRY IS U.S.! WE ARE THE COUNTRY !!!!!!", "LOOK THAT FELL ON STAGE", "Bologna is red is red vergnogna "" Eat less and trumpet more, "" The shopping list! "

Videos that truly reflects the closeness of politicians to citizens ...