Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nzos_handshake Returned 28862

stupas, pagodas and monasteries (1)

stupas, pagodas and monasteries, the Burmese use Paya or "holy " word referring to people, places or deities, defines them and understand them all. Speaking of Myanmar I think we can only begin with the "sacred", with constant and daily maintains that people with Theravada Buddhism, the oldest event (Theravada means "doctrine of the Elders") of this "religion," a kind in India, apparently already begun to spread in the third century before the Common Era through missionaries sent by a fervent Indian emperor Asoka and centuries later by monks from Sri Lanka to become the state religion in Burma finally starting around the first millennium of our era.

use the word "religion" in quotes very carefully, it is certainly not in the traditional sense of the monotheistic religions, absent the transcendent, faith the sense of mystery and of the inscrutable, the idea of \u200b\u200ban afterlife, any dogmatic certainty, in fact a philosophical and ethical doctrine developed Gautama Buddha from the Indian in the sixth century before the Christian era and the man who puts his life on earth at the center of his reflection. In fact the Buddha himself, despite the exorbitant number of statues and the veneration of which is made object, has no divine character, is not a God or a supernatural creature but a man who has become Master, an Enlightened One recalls that by example of his life and his teachings the way to go.
Kyaiktiyo (Golden Rock)
Yet "religion", because in spite of contents "others," nonetheless offers a path of salvation from suffering and pain and "religion" are the rites, individual and collective observances, precise rules to be respected, a way of ethics which conform. No distinction between Western sacred moments of life and secular life, and no torment introspective soul to be given on Sunday morning in church, the Buddhist belief permeates every moment of everyday of course, the provision of food to the monks' daily alms gathering in front of 'altar of the house.

stupas, pagodas and monasteries I appear to have the unique figure in this country and the coordinates of living of its people, going around the eye is routinely filled with golden pinnacles that rise everywhere. The architecture and the art of the rest of Burma have traditionally existed as an expression of the sacred function of education and teaching, and who painted it grew on the walls of a temple, who sculpted a work created to put inside it, the ' common goal to perform meritorious deeds to secure a future good life was spent in building temples and pagodas, is now restoring those already exist.
Mount Popa
course, every place is different and has its own specificity, but some features are common to begin with the choice of place, apart from the vast the central plain of Bagan and Mandalay and the temples on the water, always on top, perched on mountains and hills, making every corner of rocks and stones. The Mount Popa (near Bagan) almost surreal shrouded in the mists of the morning , Pindaya (near Inle Lake) and Kyaiktiyo (near Bago) are the most striking examples. On the summit of Mount Popa we did not arrive, apart from the necessary courage to go I do not remember how many steps there was a tribe of monkeys and many of their excrement on the floor and as you enter the sacred places always strictly no shoes, we have postponed the . Kyaiktiyo, formerly inaccessible, it is incredible stupa perched on a boulder poised on the rock, the most sacred place in the country. Legend has it that the boulder maintains its precarious balance with a hair of Buddha in place a precise point of the stupa. Place of great charm is that dawn to sunset, the golden leaves that only men (women are not allowed) systematically stick to the rock, give reflections dream, pilgrims recite chants, light candles and meditate all night.
At 13 kilometers from the homonymous city, a steep path, full of souvenir stalls with local crafts and snack climbs the mountain. The most commendable course is to have it all on foot, or the first 10 miles on a truck caracollante packed like sardines and just boldly walk the final stretch as the monks and my friend Gaston. The undersigned, and is ashamed to confess it to death, he tried, but could not make it, finishing in a sedan chair with four bearers to the goal like a maharaja.

Endless stairs, often narrow and very deep as to reach Pindaya , limestone cave in which, in the company of giants, there are thousands of stalactites Buddha statues of all sizes and all materials, alabaster, ceramic, porcelain, teak, lacquer, cement, made here over the centuries and arranged to form a labyrinth that winds through the various chambers of the cave. "But these people with short legs and small-but-I thought why the hell did the steps like that? And here is the second common feature of Paya, the difficulty, the difficulty of access. To get there, to improve, to progress, to rise, (which everyone uses the verb is the more appropriate) and not only materially, but also spiritually, we must make hard, hard work. Is there a way to go up the hill, the silence and the difficulties that accompany it, the clarity of motivation, direction and process to find when you arrived at the top. These values, universal, valid at all latitudes, came to my mind all the monasteries of monks and hermits scattered among the mountains, came to my mind the stairs, which challenged the sky of Mayan temples of Tikal and Copan in Guatemala Honduras and visited a few years ago. Of course my legs then scrambled up agile, but the thoughts that I had not inhabited the same and the eagles were flying high.

Hiding Phone Number From Caller Id, Rogers

Here is the wallpaper of the milestone two thirds of eight windows for Office 15 screenshots

A quick post to inform you of the launch of the official windows wallpaper 8 Milestone 2 and 3.
For those who have followed the blog in the last days this wallpaper is not new: in the middle we see the incomplete puzzle will be completed with the further development.
Below are the words shhh ... let's not leak Our hard work that silence is not ruining our hard work.

Proper Way To Wear A Field Jacket Liner


addition to Windows 8 Microsoft has also initiated the development of Office 15 for now arrived at the milestone 2, the information was put into the network from a known Dokmen Alican leak.

The Leaker has put online 4 images and a video which shows the first news: even if the interface is always the ribbon you notice changes in the top bar with buttons and fasteners to minizizzazione hano suffered restyling.Altri changes can be seen in the transitions that have been added.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Firefox 4 will be released March 22

For mozilla firefox 4 we have now reached the decisive days, probably the release of the official version will be March 22.
The developer site there is a satisfaction related to the development of the browser that has suffered some delays during its development path.

Some problems affecting firefox but still: in particular relating to languages, the translation into Vietnamese and 20 other languages \u200b\u200bis not yet complete and therefore do not know if this will affect the timing of release.
If you do not succeed in time to correct these problems should ensure second release candidate.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Get Dog Hair Off Of A Northface Jacket

Phone Play station arrives April 1

The play station phone is a device that is attracting the attention of many in this period and probably for the innovations that port is also eagerly awaited.

Sony Ericcson has therefore decided to set a date for the launch of its new dipspositivo: From April 1 the playstation phone will be sold in Spain to be accompanied by an operator is no subscription cost of about € 649 . Probably
April 1 or at most in the weeks after the device will be released throughout Europe and even Italy.
The device will include 5 games with the ability to download others from the Android Market, which at the time of the launch will have 50 titles already.

How Much Is Tiffany Engraving

iPad sales record!

Although Apple was expected to purchase a hunt like the one in recent days must have been too shocked by the sales figures of the new iPad.

In all American history of the territory the product is sold out and also where to buy online have to wait 4 or 5 weeks.
This sales record has surprised everyone, even Apple has not yet issued any statement about 1 million devices sold in just 6 days more or less what he has done galaxy tab in 6 months.
If sales were to continue this step is also possible that the launch date in Italy is postponed to meet the high demand.

Green Green Erolution Uncensored

How could it be the new theme aero lite windows internet explorer 8 9

Lately there is much talk of eight windows all these rumors are fueled by the many images to be networked zukona that show the new OS to work.
Among the latest release is a screenshot showing the choice of language on windows 8, which is seven in the style of the font but it seems more simple and intuitive.

In addition, some images were shown some "views" of the new theme
aero lite will replace the aero peak, the theme will be the style of the UI of Windows 7 Phone meters, in particular changes can be seen in icons for closing / minimizing the folders that are different and appear to be more stylized.

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some days were circulating in networks final versions of Internet Explorer last 9 hours Microsoft has decided to release the official release.
Microsoft will try with this version of the browser to regain lost ground on Google Chrome and Firefox, this browser and it bodes well known numbers from 40 million just to download the beta.

9 is compatible Internet explorer with 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista / Windows XP-7 is not supported
The improvements introduced in this version are many GUI from a renewed and made more easy to use, also improved the hardware acceleration home page and the bookmarks bar.
Innovation is the introduction of HTML 5 and a sort of block the ads, then the pin sites and turn them into Web app.
certainly are a lot of news because they do not give it a try?

Monday, March 14, 2011

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Myanmar: the route more

Myanmar is a very large country, the picture of the map have not been able to keep us on the southernmost tip of the north and ends with the easternmost outcrop of the Himalayas and the strip of land between the south and the Andaman Sea and Thailand on the world map seems to resemble that borders Chile to Argentina. Former British colony, independent since 1948, despite several riots in the blood and always dramatically stifled attempts to democratic elections since 1962 the country is practically in the hands of various military juntas that have gradually succeeded, the "Burmese way to socialism ".

kept strictly under control by the central government for many years, Myanmar has been for long closed to the world isolation and difficult now that is starting to make inroads in a slow but progressive "openness" there are white patches , that is, those accessible to tourism, (even if accompanied by a local guide is always desirable) with good hotel infrastructure and which correspond roughly to the center-south of the country; brown areas (for example areas of Shan and Kayah states, two of the 14 administrative divisions of the country), or those who need permission to visit but and special permits (a typed letter with all the detailed itinerary, a lot of government stamps and photocopies of your passport number available) with several checkpoints and control the road and the black areas , absolutely off limits for tourists and local people, perhaps for the same, I do not know. To add however that in all the land the current legislation forbids tourists to visit orphanages, schools, hospitals, cemeteries and villages further inland.

These "sensitive" or not feasible where the Burmese are a minority compared to other tribes, mostly on the border with Thailand and China (obviously still the most backward and poorest, indicate the status roads, for the precise political will to isolate them) are in the hands the "rebels" or beyond, however, the complete control of the central government. The "rebels" are varied, there are the party of national liberation, those of the various ethnic groups who want greater regional autonomy, the remnants of the Kuomintang, the opium lords of the famous Golden Triangle where Myanmar has also greatly reduced production, now the record is held by Afghanistan with 95% of world production.

We have made the classic tourist route that the quadrilateral Yangon-Mandalay-Bagan-Inle Lake with neighboring cities (the section between those two cities with a river cruise on the Ayeyarwady , majestic river which crosses the entire country for 2000 kilometers) to the ocean as an extension Ngapali (think swimming in the Bay of Bengal has given me a certain effect) and the area "sensitive" about Loikaw , (despite numerous bureaucratic controls, and it was worth really worth it because our guide Alex was the place and obviously knew the area very well).

This time I decided not to tell our journey chronologically each stage in 4 weeks we have had very many, often a place for one night, out of 6 in the morning (mom how many sunrises!) Until evening (Mom those sunsets!) And then not a description of the many holy places visited. Proceed in a synchronic rather than by themes and points of interest. If I can just for an infinitesimal spark to convey the beauty of the place and its people, the atmosphere of quiet that you can breathe, I'll be really happy.

Kyaiktiyo-Yangon-Bago-Yangon-Heho-Loikaw-Kalaw-Inle Lake-Sagar-Pindaya-Mandalay-Amarapura-Sagaing-Monywa-Mandalay-Bagan-Yangon-Ngapali.

Nuclear Fallout Suits

Parma-Napoli report cards signed by Nico Petrozzi

We move to Parma and now eyes on the match against Cagliari. Two evening shifts for the creatures of the night Mazzarri tonight relegated to the gallery phone in hand, ready to give orders to the trust Frustalupi.

De Sanctis - 6.5 reagent Palladino now at the first time, our pirate can not conclude anything about winning the player of Parma, a true feat. In the second half not so attentive on dead-ball but is effective. Security!

Ruiz - 5.5 debut in Serie A does not give the best. There are few left on the proverbial throwing scored. Shortly involved in defense, for mostly when Zuniga leaves corridors for the opponents. Must get used to the defense and gain the automatic with three companions. Promise!

Cannavaro - 6.5 More than enough performance of the captain. Careful and safe when it comes to keeping at bay Bojinov, purposeful in the second half. Pillar!

Santacroce - 4.5 Palladino a feat accomplished by bringing the cover 1 Parma 0, but who freed him to kick the defender is Neapolitan. All too often careless and inappropriate research advance at all costs. Immature!
(84th Cribari SV)

Zuniga - 6 the first time his performance is untouchable. Leave plenty of space on the wing of his expertise in putting the rookie difficulty Ruiz. Redeems itself with the recovery on Bojinov network launched in gaining 6 broken. In the second half, aided by the decline in Parma, is more into the action, served by the little fellows. Swinging!

Yebda - 7.5 do better than the last games of the Gargano is not difficult, but Yebda from the first minute starts to struggle like a lion in all corners of the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility. It supports a lot of the fellows in building the action, very wrong. Along with patience keeps breathing down the necks of the ball carrier from Emilia, the midfield is his!. Gladiator!
(32 ° Gargano Sign mistaken the first step on the break with Napoli in numerical superiority ... Villarreal's offer of 10 million seems fantasy football, but we hope ...) May

- 8 From the first minute of the match starts going up and down on the right of the rectangle game, unstoppable. Timely defensive in closures and insidious than ever forward, creating space for raids that give head Hamsik Modesto and Lucarelli, both warned during the race, albeit far from the jurisdiction of our number 11. The goal framing a spectacular performance. Devastating!

Hamsik - 7.5 Our jewel in the first half takes the measurements. Inserted between the enemy lines very easily but lacks the winning dart. In the second half is unstoppable. Though offside, the network code that plays the trumpet of the comeback, and deadly lightning. Even opponents protesting his position on illegal, so was the craftsmanship in the inclusion. Accurate and intelligent assist the few to the doubling of the blue A vital piece of nell'undici Mazzarri. Champion!
(46 ° Mascara SV)

Lavezzi - Pocho The 8 is back and more hungry than before! It runs on all the balls from the start of the race, as generous as ever. Create and offers superior performance to the many fans who came to support the Neapolitan colors, but especially found the way to goal! Mazzarri If the guys are creatures of the night in the evening is postponed, the Lavezzi dominates and leads to success as the terrifying Count Dracula. Opponents tremble before him. Monstrous!

Cavani - 6.5 The Matador is tired, not very polished, but it is always there to do his duty, both when it comes to attack the space, taking away the man and creating corridors for his teammates, and when following letter to the dictates of the coach, positioning itself at the center of his own penalty area by throwing away poisonous balloons. Workaholic!

Mazzarri - 8 In punishment as naughty children, "caged lion" as is self-defined, pulling the strings of his Naples through the exposure Frustalupi. Napoli tackles well the game from the beginning, a few smudges in the plot of the mystery. The rumors that he would like to Juve can make us just laugh! Napoletano!

Fans - 10 Even away from home always seems to play at the San Paolo. Vitali!

Cervical Mucus Type Before Menses

sent to Jailbreak ipad 2 ready soon? New details on the possible iPhone

After a day of work, the hacker known comex with a chirping did everyone know that I could jailbrekkato his ipad ios 2 with 4.3.
Comex has shown a real picture in its iPad already jailbrekkato, comex then the tool could come this week.

parallel to comex i0n1c also works that used a new exploit to jailbreak and added in the video about the tool will be released this weekend. This jailbreak
i0n1c tried some app: SBS setting that works perfectly and there are still some problems for winter board.

The tools are expected for release this week it will probably still beta.
Once again apple has failed in its intent and ios was obviously followed thetecnoblog laundry for all the updates.