Monday, January 3, 2011

Scott Kay Artiste Collection Halo

It 's an old story, no question of being born, but in the meantime whether you like it or not then you will find us in the world and I think the big difficulty is to find a place, your place, that corner of the universe that is infinitesimal and where you learn to stay in it "relatively" well. Over the life of a range of possibilities is very wide, alternative around the corner who often do not know how to see, we are asked to use all facets of the human world at different times of life and circumstances, the question of dosage of ingredients, like a gourmet recipe, low sugar or too much hot pepper flavor and make change successful. Very difficult questions that mark the path throughout history, beginning not think, just live, then you realize that it is essential to hit your direction, your place, because the world is great, if you do not know where to put the risks of loss, of not understanding the meaning of your life. In search of the place, sitting on the floor is too uncomfortable in the chair seems excessive to me, I would opt for a chair, damn, there are so many, what is the "right"? And then place it where? At the foot of the Himalayas as quiet at the end did Terzani or in the midst of the bustle of the metropolis, in a common sharing everything with others or in unbridled individualism? I do not know the answer probably lies in the "middle way" conjured by the sages of all traditions, but the only thing really positive holiday periods between lunch and dinner the next is that siestas all'abbuffata preliminary budget is an opportunity, they make you think. With my boys next door, for once I have no doubt of anything, I heard with joy that my place was there with them, together, sitting around a table in front of a nice vegetable soup (not frozen, but prepared in love with all the fresh vegetables).


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